Friday, October 31, 2014

The Case For Bringing Meditation To Congress

Jon Kabat-Zinn thinks our leaders in Washington could benefit from some meditation.

Kabat-Zinn, one of America's most renowned meditation teachers and advocates, joined HuffPost Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani today to discuss why mindful practices should be used in politics across the board.

"Politics at its best is democracy at work, at least in our country," said Kabat-Zinn. "But there's so much violence and disregard going on in politics... Everybody is furthering their own self-interest." These factors, he said, have contributed to the polarization and gridlock in Washington. "What mindfulness really might do for politics is kind of wake up the Congress to their responsibility to the American people."

Kabat-Zinn advocates said an increased focus on kindness in Washington would go a long way.

"I think it would be fantastic to have the Congress starting to learn how to tap into what is deepest and best about each one of those people as human beings, and what their true motive is for serving the people that they represent," he said

To hear Kabat-Zinn's full conversation on mindfulness training and how it should have a place in the political realm, watch the full HuffPost Live clip the video above.

from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post


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