Monday, December 16, 2013

How to Keep an Eye Out for Signs of Alzheimer's During the Holidays

The holiday season is a great time for families to come together and spend quality time with one another. However, if you have older adults in your family, this time of the year can also be a great time to look for the signs of Alzheimer's disease developing. While no one ever wants anyone in their family to have issues with Alzheimer's disease, it is a very common condition that impacts millions of adults every year. The earlier you are able to detect signs of Alzheimer's, the easier this condition can be to handle and the more proactive you and your loved one can be about handling this disease.

There is more family time spent during the holiday than during any other time of the year. Also, many times, if you have gone without seeing a loved one for several months, it can be easier to notice some of the signs and symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease. Here are the 10 early detection signs of Alzheimer's, as determined by the Alzheimer's Association. Keep these warning sings in the back of your mind during the holidays so you can help a friend, family member or loved one notice an issue if it is developing.

The 10 Early Detection Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

- Changes in personality or mood

- Being withdrawn from social activities or work activities

- A decrease in judgment

- Issues with being able to retrace steps or frequently misplacing things

- Issues with speaking or writing certain works

- Difficulty in understanding visual images or struggles with spatial relationships

- Easy confusion regarding time and place

- Challenges in completing what are normally familiar tasks

- Issues with planning or difficulties with solving problem

- Memory loss that can disrupt everyday life

These are all small warning signs that Alzheimer's may be forming. While these symptoms do not necessarily mean someone has Alzheimer's disease, this may let you know that you need to monitor your loved one more, or encourage them to visit their health care provider. There are also many national resources that can help people learn more about Alzheimer's so that you can get a better idea of whether or not this may be something your loved one is struggling with. Finding these early warning signs in a loved one is a great way to help them and to start recognizing a potential issue early one. This holiday, remember the warning signs as you interact with your loved ones during this special time of the year.

from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post


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