Friday, December 6, 2013

Kooky Australian Condom Ad 'Banned From TV' -- For Good Reason! (NSFW VIDEO)

One of the limitations of condom ads is that they generally can't show the product in action.

So not a problem for this Australian commercial for Four Seasons Condoms which offers a fun but rather graphic demonstration.

The ad was barred from the airwaves, but Four Seasons doesn't seem too disappointed. "Have you seen our BANNED FROM TELEVISION commercial yet?" the company asks on its Facebook page.

The video is a far better fit for the Internet anyway, and it's getting some action there.

Watch below as a couple inquires about condoms in a pharmacy and tries on a few sizes of Four Seasons' Naked line in several positions while the store observes. Note the cheesy but appropriate pun from the pharmacist at the end. Tee-hee!

NSFW: Video features simulated sex scenes

from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post


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