Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ditch the Resolutions


Well, that's a little controversial for so soon in January, don't you think?

Aren't resolutions simply to-do-lists for the first couple of weeks of January that we write because everyone says we should?

How about committing to making some real, long-lasting change this year instead?

Yes, but how do I do that?

Start by getting yourself a beautiful notebook... go on, I'll be waiting right here for you....


Start by writing a list of all the things you'd love in your life this coming year. What do you want? What do you really want?

(Get fit, eat healthily, cut back on the alcohol, take up a new hobby, go to the cinema/theatre more regularly, have a date night with my partner, read more, go back to study...)

How's it looking?

It's a bit dry isn't it? How many times have you written a list like this and forgotten all about it by the end of week two? I'm sure I'm not the only one.

It needs a bit of oomph don't you think? What's going to make you want to achieve these things?

Soul + Feeling

Review your list and align yourself with your desires. How will you really, really feel when you achieve each of these 'goals'?

This is what I want you to write about. Get emotional about them. Feel them in your belly and for goodness sake get out of your head!

Write with some soul. Write from your heart.

Instead of resolutions this year how about choosing 3 key words that will inspire you to live this year as your best year yet?

These are the words I've chosen - CREATE - EXPLORE - EXPAND.

What will you choose?

from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post


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