Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Green Your Workout Routine

The holidays are over and you have decided to sculpt a new and improved you. Your new year’s resolution is to lose all those extra pounds off your body and we have another one for you: do it green!

Before you get excited to jump on to the treadmill, remember that the old-fashioned way of losing weight doesn't involve the unnecessary energy consumption, petrol or gas usage or the requirement of another electric exercise machine.

Here are some green workout ideas that will put you in tip-top shape in no time. By incorporating some of these habits, working out doesn't have to be wasteful or boring:

Exercise at home

This is easy and inexpensive. You can perform many routines including weight training, Pilates or Yoga. With accessible tutorials, guides, and virtual trainers, even on YouTube, not only is exercising at home convenient and cost-effective, it leaves you no room to complain about getting to the gym.

Workout Outdoors

So many options exist when you combine nature and fitness. You get a boost in energy from the fresh air and producing vitamin D from the sun's rays. You also have an opportunity to explore new areas and interact with the community. Running, jogging and cycling are just some of the workouts that are exhilarating outdoors. You could even use a playground for calisthenics. Overall, there is more space outside to exercise and its much more adventurous too.

Join a gym

Think of the gym like a fitness cooperative: groups of people can utilize the same equipment, thus reducing the need to purchase equipment, take up space in their homes, and use more energy. There are a multitude of affordable, cost-effective gyms popping up across the country, making it easy option for most.

Team Up

Exercise with your friends -– this allows you to have more input about your progress and gives you more time to hang out too. Sign up for a marathon race or join a sports team. Share your equipment and carpool to the gym or sports ground

Gain healthy calories

Avoid processed junk and consume organic food for your pre and post workout nutrition. Choose fruits and nuts over donuts, sugary drinks and ice creams. The natural sugar and proteins will support you having sustainable energy over the duration of your workout. Try consuming potassium and magnesium rich foods and drinks like water and bananas for an extra boost to avoid muscle cramping.

Mix It Up

Following the same routine every day can be boring, so try doing a mix of activities such as walking, biking, swimming or hiking. Look into unconventional classes like kickboxing, belly dancing, and spinning classes to gain a new perspective.

Bring a Reusable Water Bottle

Instead of buying that bottled plastic drink to bring with you to the gym, invest in a reusable water bottle that you can carry with you. You can fill it as many times as needed and if you're at the gym, most have water fountains.

from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post


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