Thursday, January 9, 2014

WATCH: Expect the Best!

As we enter a new year, it can sometimes be easy for us to look back at past disappointments and entertain discouraging thoughts. It's something we do to protect ourselves... but it's not the most effective (or joyful) use of our energy. I hope this will help you experience a more powerful attitude.

If you are new to tapping, it will be beneficial to also watch the first episode in the "Tap Out Your Fears" series -- which explains the basics of EFT -- click here.

As with any of my tapping videos, this is an abbreviated process for releasing uncomfortable feelings and enhancing good ones. Some folks may find their fear dissolve after just one tapping session, but for others, it will take some repetition, bringing the discomfort down little by little each time. (Still others may uncover specific issues that are best addressed directly with a wellness practitioner.) In any event, this brief video should help at least take the edge off the discomfort, freeing you up to enjoy life much more. Let us know how it helped you!

For a picture of the tapping points -- and more info on EFT -- click here.

Tapping can sometimes bring up long-buried emotions, which is why I state that, before tapping along, folks must take full responsibility for their own well-being. For more information about that, please read this disclaimer.

Until next time, feel free to tap along with any of the many videos I have on YouTube or the many recordings I have at

For EFT with kids, please visit:

For more by Brad Yates, click here.

from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post


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