Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Stuff of Love


the stuff of love

its matter, distilled energy

is the sun

it's why she rises

and with her

we dance:

the stuff of love is particles and cells,

dreams and beaming hopes

the stuff of love is warm clay

purifying our body,

and velvet whirlwinds

sweeping clear our mind

the stuff of love

is the city awakening to a great new day,

hot water to dried herbs

fingers, keys, intentions,

cobblestones speckled with the sediment of exhilaration,

pink sand refined by gods big and small,

floating on fire

we decide to be

amidst fog, and stars, and rays of gold,

we cast our votes

to live

the stuff of


the stuff of love

is a blessing

every moment

every moment

every moment

from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post


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