Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Assistance to Your Growth


Photo credit: Mads Alenkaer

My clients and students are growing at a fast pace these days. And I am, too. When we go up a level, we need many breaks for our insights to integrate. Otherwise we end up in stress and upper limits.

In times of great speed I recommend to assist the inner work with outside help. If you feel a little drained or burned out, please remember to be good to yourself. Silence, self-love and time off is essential.

We are often letting go of resistance and baggage through fatigue, colds and flus. And in those periods it can be nice to supplement the vibrational work a little. I recommend using flower remedies, taking extra vitamin C and drinking green tea to assist your body in the proces.

And then I recommend that you focus on things that are uplifting.

I'm nurtured by:

Flowers, warm blankets, beauty, great books, inspiring audios, baths, my beautiful bedroom, candles, sleep, high vibrational conversations, me-time, soft clothes, uplifting movies, nurturing food, walks, the ocean, music, fun and belly laughs.

Decluttering, travels, dancing or shopping can also uplift me in periods where I have more energy.

from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/christine-eilvig/success-and-motivation_b_4343084.html?utm_hp_ref=healthy-living&ir=Healthy+Living


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