Gatherings: Connection
It's Christmas Eve! People around the world are preparing feasts and wrapping gifts and celebrating being together. It's easy to lose yourself and your joy in the frenzy of it all. Getting the food cooked and the gifts organized can be all consuming. Every family, every religion, every country has different traditions, different foods, and different ways of celebrating. But the common thread among us all is that the holiday gatherings bring us together to celebrate our connections to each other and our connections to the past, our ancestors, and our cultures.
There is no one right way to celebrate, just as there is no one right way to make stuffing. (Well, my way is pretty darn good!). But in the chaos and inevitable tense moments, remember that connection is one of the things we all long for most and desperately need to feel healthy and whole. And if you are alone today or tonight, try to reach out to someone. Sometimes, in order to truly feel connection, it's up to us to take the first step.
For more from Maria Rodale, visit www.mariasfarmcountrykitchen.com
from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/maria-rodale/12-days-of-winter-meditat_4_b_4479705.html?utm_hp_ref=healthy-living&ir=Healthy+Living
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