Friday, December 20, 2013

Is Your Life on Purpose?

It has occurred to me that many people seem to be devoid of entertaining the idea of having a life purpose. I'm talking about what each of us are here to do - to make a difference. It could be that you feel compelled to aid the infirmed, give your time to a worthy charity, or spend valuable time, teaching and inspiring people. Maybe you're an exemplary Team Leader and you thoroughly enjoy it, therefore, determined to do more leading.

In effect, what you do, is less important than why you do it. Because when we know our why, we are further inspired to take action. Therefore, we begin our journey, almost organically, to discovering our purpose. Let's say you enjoy creating business environments that motivate young people, or you love writing. When you know what you love doing: that which fulfils you and enables you to flourish, you've discovered your why. So scratch a little deeper than the surface, that's one way you'll be able to enlighten yourself.

I've changed my career three times, this is mainly because I hadn't really discovered my purpose. It takes patience, perseverance and persistence to discover the wider purpose of why we are here. For some, there's an early-life epiphany, for others, like me, it emerges in later life. It really doesn't matter when our purpose reveals itself, what's important is that it does. And once discovered, you will see yourself in a new, different and inspirational light.

A good way to start, is to use your imagination. As Albert Einstein said: "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." For me, this means allowing my in-tuition to do some work. By separating the in from the tuition, we are alerted to a more scientific interpretation of the word - in-tuition: an amalgam of mistakes, successes, good experiences, challenges and continued learning. Each of these elements are tucked away in our sub conscious, yearning for us to pay them some attention.

When we are on purpose, that is when our authentic goals emerge. In part, that's because, we are listening and taking notice of our intuition. Perhaps for the first time, we become closer to being at one with our self; we are growing aware of why we are really here. So if you are desirous to discover your purpose, first, consider what you. Perhaps you love communicating with people, enjoy being the entertainer, or are keen on being the problem solver. These are important clues as to what you are in the world to do.

These clues may not fully inform you regarding your purpose, but they will give you strong indications about what the bigger picture looks like for you... and perhaps for those you touch. With these new findings, you will see how you can help make the world a better place. A world made positively different because of your actions.

Remember, like anything that is worth doing, at first it will be challenging and you'll need loads of self discipline. However, when you reach an outcome that brings a huge smile to your face, you'll realise that everything you've done to achieve this kind of success, was certainly worth it. Start now, as the earlier you begin, the earlier you can start living with greater purpose.

from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post


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