Thursday, December 12, 2013

Why You Should Add Indoor Rowing To Your Repertoire

Rowing isn't exactly the most accessible form of exercise around. Unless you're in prep school. Or a Winklevoss twin. And that dusty erg sitting in the corner of your gym? Approximately three people know how to use it properly.

Well, watch out, stationary bike. Across the country, boatloads of people are dipping their toes into the water (sorry), resulting in a surge of indoor-rowing classes. We recently popped in for a lesson at our local gym to see what all the fuss is about:

Holy glute burn. Don't let the paddles (or pulleys) fool you -- this workout is all about your legs. In fact, a 45-minute class is about the equivalent of doing 1,200 squats and burns 850 calories.

Form meets function. The correct rowing technique isn't necessarily intuitive (resist the urge to yank with your arms). Learning the ropes may be the biggest reason instruction trumps going at it alone, "House of Cards"-style.

Coordination is key. Think that stroke motion looks easy? Think again. It took us a good 10 minutes to finally nail the "legs, arms, arms, legs" sequence, but once we had it down, the intervals flew by.

Indoor classes can be found in cities throughout the U.S., and styles vary from ones that simulate water to ones that are actually on the water.

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